Thursday, April 7, 2016

A Band-Aid for Bullies

Dealing with a bully has unfortunately been a part of most children’s lives at one time or another. And as everyone knows, kids who end up bullying others too often have been bullied themselves. It’s a viscous cycle that has become an even larger problem as our population grows and our safe zones shrink.

Children are typically taught how to recognize bullying and encouraged not to be a bully, but they are usually not prepared for how to deal with a bully. “Tell an adult” is too often the only remedy that is offered, but all kids know, even intuitively, the limitations of that band-aid.

As parents send their children off to school each day, they often worry about how their child handles adversity when they are not there to offer guidance in the moment. And their concerns are valid. Our community schools work hard to prevent and respond to bullying, but even the best efforts can fall short in busy hallways, playgrounds, lunchrooms, school buses, and even classrooms. And it’s a scary thing when a kid is caught between a bully and a band-aid.

On April 16, during the relocation celebration at Força Martial Arts & Fitness’ Grand Opening, we will be helping kids in our community learn practical measures they can use to recognize bullying and to react appropriately when faced with bullying. The Bully Prevention Seminar, scheduled for

10:00 am, will focus on understanding what bullying is in all its forms, knowing how to respond when someone sees others being bullied, learning how to defuse a bullying incident, and determining the best course of action when confronted with bullying. The workshop will also address an often-overlooked aspect of bullying: How we ourselves can sometimes bully others, even without meaning to do so, if we’re not careful with our words and actions.

This event is free and open to the community, as are all the other exciting events happening throughout the day. Join us on April 16 from 10:00 am – 3:30 pm at 900 W. E Street in Russellville for our Grand Opening Celebration, and bring the kids! It will be a fantastic day full of fun and function and, of course, free food. Can’t wait to see you there!

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